Richard C. Hoagland News Life on Titan, Space Travel and Jupiter`s Asteroid Strike

About Richard Hoagland is former staff lecturer and Curator of Astronomy and Space Science at the Springfield Museum of Science in Massachusetts. He subsequently was Assistant Director of the Gengars Science Center and the Planetarium at Children`s Museum, Hartford, Conn., and deviced several major programs to modernize planetariums in the US His innovations include techniques described as “a major breakthrough in the field of planetarium programming and simulation ” in the journal Sky and Telescope. A writer and lecturer, Mr. Hoagland is a consultant on astronomy and space science to museums, planetaria, and the aerospace and broadcasting industries. Richard C. Hoagland, founder of The Enterprise Mission Recipient of the Angstrom Medal Co-creator of the “Pioneer Plaque originator of the “Europa Proposal Former science advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite. Author of “The Monuments of Mars


if you want to see the full movie click in this link Discover the history of the celestial object that reportedly heralded the birth of Jesus, and explore the various points of view that label the star variously as a myth, a natural phenomenon, and a true miracle. Sinopsys Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem is a legend created by the early church or a miracle that marked the advent of Christ. Is it possible that the star was a real, astronomical event? From producer Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ) and distributed by Genius Entertainment comes an amazing documentary on the Star of Bethlehem. This presentation, as seen by tens of thousands in the US and in Europe, explores the exciting truth of scripture and reveals the evidence for God’s existence as seen in the stars above. Presenter Rick Larson walks you through biblical and historical clues revealing the incredible significance of this celestial event as well as the vastness of God’s creativity. Discover the secret of the star-a secret of magnificent beauty. This documentary is fascinating and meticulously researched. Frederick A. Larson, a lawyer, became interested in the history of the star of Bethlehem, and did extensive examining of the facts. He relied on biblical texts, Jewish historians such as Josephus, and astronomers and constellation experts such as Johames Kepler and Copernicus. Using astronomy software, he went back in time to the period in which the Eastern Star