
“In All Your Fantasies” (The Phantom of the Opera) Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics: Richard Stilgoe; Charles Hart Performers: 1- Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman (London) 2- Colm Wilkinson; Rebecca Caine (Toronto) 3- Anthony Warlow; Ana Marina (Melbourne) 4- Brad Little; Marni Raab (USA Tour) 5- Hugh Panaro; Sandra Joseph (Broadway) 6- Earl Carpenter; Rachel Barrell (London) 7- Howard McGillin; Sandra Joseph (Broadway) 8- John Cudia; Marni Raab (USA Tour) 9- Ramin Karimloo; Gina Beck (London) 10- John Owen-Jones; Sierra Boggess (London)


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www.amazon.com www.facebook.com www.coasttocoastam.com n the second half, as the Shuttle prepared to land on its last mission, C2C Science advisor Richard C. Hoagland discussed what he views as coming “game changer” events. NASA, he said, was for once, telling the truth about data they’ve been receiving from a space exploration– in this case, sharing revealing photos of the Vesta asteroid, sent back by the Dawn spacecraft (see below). Hoagland suggested that the Vesta photos show evidence of geometric shapes that indicate ruins. The asteroid may in fact be a huge space station built by a Type 2 civilization, he announced. The other game changer is the arrival of comet Elenin, which will make its closest pass on 9/11/11, and demonstrates numerical evidence of being artificially made, he continued. The object is on a hyperbolic trajectory which means that it has never passed the sun before. Hoagland theorized that the comet could be a kind of time capsule, possibly sent to us by an Atlantean civilization around 13000 years ago. News segment guests: Carole Lieberman, Andre Eggelletion Website(s): spookedtv.com enterprisemission.com Book(s): Dark Mission