
creationism, even though some of the “experts” and arguments are familiar to readers of scientific creationist literature. Instead, just as scientific creationism is an attempt to use science to support fundamentalist Christianity, Mysterious Origins is apparently an attempt to use science to support Hinduism. Much of the material in the program is based on the contents of two books, Forbidden Archeology and The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson, both …

Nassim Haramein – The Resonance Project 1

are the center of the Universe, That the universe is expanding and contracting at the same time, what is Gravity, Particle physics, CERN, infinity and scale. Don’t miss this fascinating continuation with Nassim. … Nassim Haramein The Resonance Project Holofractographic Universe Unified Field Theory Crossing the Event Horizon Albert Einstein Geometry Quantum Physics Mechanics Fractal Vacuum Free Energy Holographic Space Time Gravity CERN Consciousness Mind Science Dimensions Richard …

George Carlin: Mark Twain Prize for American Humor – 2008 (4 of 8)

On June 18, 2008, four days before his death, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC announced that Carlin would be the 2008 honoree of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, which was awarded on November 10, 2008. Carlin thus became the award’s first posthumous recipient, a decision the Kennedy Center made after consulting with both Carlin’s family and PBS (which aired the ceremony). ^Source en.wikipedia.org

George Carlin: Mark Twain Prize for American Humor – 2008 (8 of 8)

On June 18, 2008, four days before his death, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC announced that Carlin would be the 2008 honoree of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, which was awarded on November 10, 2008. Carlin thus became the award’s first posthumous recipient, a decision the Kennedy Center made after consulting with both Carlin’s family and PBS (which aired the ceremony). ^Source en.wikipedia.org www.pbs.org .