1111 Antichrist Abyss And Aquarius

This video attempts to expose the occult use of embedded 11’s in the event’s of 911 and the use of 1111 as a symbolic signature of the beast Apollyon aka Abaddon the Destroyer rising up out of the abyss aka the bottomless pit in the age of Aquarius. New Age so called light workers (better understood as illuminati minions) are attempting to package and present enticing programs and methods of meditation to make contact with & receive direction from the demonic host of Lucifer. These so called light workers are presenting the demonic host as helpful angels of light or as highly evolved aliens. Becoming possessed by these things is conveyed as wonderful and special, for instance as the NEW & more evolved indigo children propaganda promulgated by the illuminati media. Reimplementation of a final one world order is depicted as Atlantis rising, as a phoenix or red dragon rising, or as a sun rising over an ocean (like the logo of the hermetic order of the golden dawn or even the Obama logo). (Flight 11 with 11 crew) had impacted the twin towers. (2 pilots and 9 flight attendants) Flight 11 call letters were AA11: A=1, A=1 + 11 = 1111. The 2 towers stood above the skyline as an enormous 11. There was 111 days remaining of the year after 911. President’s white house comment line: 202-456-(1111) Bush asked for flags to be flown half staff for 11 days. 666 ÷ 2 = 333 – 11 = 322 (Skull & Bones…) Bush Sr. mentioned the new world order 11 years before 911. 2012 occurs 11 years after