1/2 Matthew Stephen – Watchman Prophet Radio — Aug 2

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com LISTEN LIVE SATURDAY NIGHT 7PM ET JUDGMENT THROUGH THE DOOR www.livestream.com Watchman Prophet Voice RADI O TUESDAY NIGHTS 6 ET LIVESTREAM SATURDAY NIGHTS 7 PM ET Matthew Stephen Prophet RADI O WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 5 30 ET (none scheduled) www.blogtalkradio.com Matthew Stephen served in the military, worked at NASA, worked on missile systems and top secret projects for 30 years — while receiving dreams and visions from the Lord. He spent seven years in the wilderness from Sept ’00 to Sept -07. Watch live here Sat 7 PM ET (streams 24 7) www.livestream.com Watchman Prophet Voice Radio Tuesday Night 6 PM Et www.blogtalkradio.com CURRENT MAP for America — Very small area of safety. All will die outside safe areas. www.propheticwatchmanvine.com Youtube Channel www.youtube.com website — all letters maps posted here. And links to programming www.propheticwatchmanvine.com Matthew Stephen watchman2012@gmail.com