Ep.4 (3/5) Das Schicksal des Universums

zu entschluesseln. Immer groessere Teleskope und leistungsfaehigere Raumsonden vertiefen den Blick in den Kosmos. Astronomen und Physiker suchen gemeinsam Antworten auf uralte Menschheitsfragen. Der Film gibt Einblick in die Geschichte des Universums und beleuchtet seine zukuenftigen Entwicklungen. … Universum Weltall Kosmos All Schöpfung Urknall Theorie Astronomie Galaxie Weltformel Kosmologie Sterne Astrophysik Physik Albert Einstein Doku Dokumentation Tv Fernseh Beitrag Bericht …

What Does Universal Healthcare Mean?- obama Chooses Pro-Death Advocate To Run HHS

Death. www.lifenews.com Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — Strongly pro-abortion Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has accepted President Barack Obama’s request to serve as the Health Secretary. Sebelius has one of the most radical pro-abortion record of any elected official and a longstanding relationship with a late-term abortion practitioner. White House officials told the New York Times as late as February 18 that Sebelius had emerged as Obama’s leading choice for the position. Then, this week …