Bill Hick’s infamous performance (Revelations) in London, 1991 (uncut).
Day: June 1, 2009
Ep.4 (1/5) Das Schicksal des Universums
zu entschluesseln. Immer groessere Teleskope und leistungsfaehigere Raumsonden vertiefen den Blick in den Kosmos. Astronomen und Physiker suchen gemeinsam Antworten auf uralte Menschheitsfragen. Der Film gibt Einblick in die Geschichte des Universums und beleuchtet seine zukuenftigen Entwicklungen. … Universum Weltall Kosmos All Schöpfung Urknall Theorie Astronomie Galaxie Weltformel Kosmologie Sterne Astrophysik Physik Albert Einstein Doku Dokumentation Tv Fernseh Beitrag Bericht …
Hawks Cafe 6 … Fema Camps Martial law Austin McConnell david hawkins 9/11 Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller Swine Flu Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Summit Barach Obama Hillary Clinton Ron PaulNAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Glenn Beck on Obamas Change Socialism …
Interview with Richard C. Hoagland 2 – 3
Richard C. Hoagland is a former museum space science Curator; a former NASA Consultant; and, during the historic Apollo Missions to the Moon, was science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. In the mid-1960’s, at the age of 19 (possibly “the youngest museum curator in the country at the time”), Hoagland created his first elaborate commemorative event — around NASA’s first historic unmanned fly-by of the planet Mars, Mariner 4. A simultaneous all-night, transcontinental radio program the …
William Black on Alex Jones Tv 4/5:Former Federal Regulator Tells All !!
William K. Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and appeared recently on the Bill Moyers Journal