The Sorcerers of Atlantis pt 2 of 10

Part 2 A lecture by Freeman on the occult nature of the world of politics, economics, religion, and theater. Take an Exopolitical view of Freemasonry and other secret societies such as the Rosicrucians. Freeman will stimulate your imagination and bring back wonder to a world gone mad. … New World Order Freemasonry magic ritual Illuminati goddess Freeman Perspective freemantv

Illuminati and Masons: Good and Evil

A balanced discussion on the illuminati and the masons considering the case of both the good and bad in both ideas. Light vs. Dark Illuminati is a distinction that should be applied. Are the leaders of the conscience the same as the dark overlords who choose to rule the world through force and control? … Illuminati Masons All Seeing Eye David Icke Alex Jones Secret Societies Archangels Angels Evil Good Control Conscience Consciousness

The Sorcerers of Atlantis pt 9 of 10

Part 9 A lecture by Freeman on the occult nature of the world of politics, economics, religion, and theater. Take an Exopolitical view of Freemasonry and other secret societies such as the Rosicrucians. Freeman will stimulate your imagination and bring back wonder to a world gone mad. … New World Order Freemasonry magic ritual Illuminati goddess Freeman Perspective freemantv