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Month: September 2009
Mike Heiser Genesis 6 hybrids, Sons of God, Nephilim 2 of 9
? 6.) Did ancient people believe in hybridized offspring? Did the take Gen 6 literally? 7.) Does the word Nephilim mean Giants? Heiser also spends some time on the debunking of Zechariah Sitchin and Sir Lawrence Gardner. One of Dr. Heiser’s website is his main site is http many thanks to Guy Malone for his permission to use this movie. … nephilim annunaki elohim el heiser sons of god genesis six mike lawrence gardner ancientofdays aliens grey abduction …
AEONS: Earth/Mars Connection T10
“Circles In The Sand”; A configuration of arcs that make up the ‘face’ of Cydonia, Mars cotain geometry that mimic the those created by it’s surrounding structures. However, these arcs have more to do with our biology (both structural and chemical). … coast to art bell discoveries documentaries richard hoagland archeology biology science mars cydonia
mass strike all over the USA
mass strike all over the USA
What I think about David Wilcock 4 of 4
Cutesy girly cristiancp done said he had free books and I’m all about alien lovers and their free books what I can turn into mp3. Here they are: