El enigma 2012 (1/11) David Wilcock – Spanish Español (CC) redjedi.foroactivo.net 2012: tragedia transcisión o simplemente otro año? David Wilcock expone muchos grandes secretos del ADN, la consciencia, la ciencia, los agujeros de gusano, el viaje a través de portales astrales, geometría sagrada, la tridimensionalidad del tiempo, el calendario maya y mucho más. -CONSCIENCIA INFINITA 2012 ( MI OPINIÓN) consciencia Cosmica, conocimiento absoluto y total. Parte Uno: habla de su proyecto fílmo “CONVERGENCIA”, el campo electromagnetico conscinete, la reencarnación de Edgar Cayce, el código Da Vinci, Una Verdad Incómoda, el alineamiento galáctico, el dodecahedro, el 2012 y los círculos en los campos de cosecha, la geometría sagrada y su relación con la vibración armónica (cimática), el tetrahedro y su tangencia en 19.5 grados cuando es inscrito en una esfera. Parte dos: Hans Jenny y la cimática, la inversión de la trama espacio-tiempo, la dualidad de las partículas-ondas, Buckyballs / fullerenes, el ADN como una onda, Kaznacheyev, sanación psíquica, Dewey Larson, naturaleza tridimensional del tiempo, la trama espacio-tiempo. Parte tre: círculos de hadas, portales astrales naturales, experiencias extrasensoriales, esferas fractales, canalizaciones, chacras, la Glándula Pineal, las tablas sumerias, Osiris, la energía kundalini, la forma cónica del fruto del pino, Simbolismo, Tammuz, Shiva, el tercer Ojo, Bindi, Baco, Dionisio Jesus, el Vaticano. Parte cuatro: El sarcófago de la …
Month: April 2010
Kathleen Keating: Bible Code – June 25th 2002 Pt3
Kathleen Keating on Mysteries of the Mind with Alex Merklinger, June 25th 2002. Topics include the Bible Code, UN, Malachi Martin, The Third Secret of Fatima, the antichrist and the apocalypse. Real News, but not for the faint of heart. For those who had ears to hear and eyes to see….the remnant. This is from 8 years ago. 12 parts. ______ BEATIFIC VISION “My child, none can view the great vision, the beatific vision; none can view this, for it would be that you would be removed from your earthly body. This awaits mankind only over the veil. We send to you only what your human mind can comprehend. Were We to show you, My child, what lies beyond the veil, the beauty, the full encompassment of your emotions would still your earthly heart. This We cannot give to you until you come across the veil.” – Our Lady, April 13, 1974 _________________ “But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9
Freeman explores the nefarious plans of Hollywood with films like V for Vendetta and offers up solutions to the world’s growing demonic possession. Freeman dares to ask, is civilization human?
This is totally profound but TRUE, heard it many years ago, but the full implications only hit me the other day. Sheer Genius, and sadly missed. Bill doesn’t go down well with a lot of Christian Folk(Right Wing) but for me he epitomises the whole Christian view on life, common sense, look through the traditions and see the essence of what life is and what it COULD be.
David Icke The Lizards and the Jews 1
Show your website logo in this videos. +120.000 views in the last 10 days (all videos/channel!) Go to channel soshumanidade watch all about prophecy maya 2012 peace anunnaki nibiru planet x ufo ovni alien illuminati nwo haarp maia ecologia aquecimento global alerta amazonia tsunami terremoto extincao politica ciencia brasil eleicao copa 2010 bbb