Saudi Arabia will allow Israel air space to strike Iran: North Korea threatens all out war… again: Anubis at Denver International Airport(please Google for much, much more info on DIA) Planetary Alignment: This video talks about the Obama/Morgan Freeman reference, but you should really spend some time watching this channel: Through The Wormhole: Is there A Creator Occult symbolism in Sherlock Holmes: Confused, angry, frustrated, concerned? Want to help and don’t know what you can do or how? Participate in the Oil Spill Project!
Day: November 22, 2010
George Carlin speaking the truth and poking some fun at it. comedy bill hicks totalitarian goverment congress cheney hillary clinton barack obama john mccain army school kids alex jones truth movement truther cfr council foreign relations bohemian bilderberg skull bones slavery rights bill ron paul
FreemanTV with Michael Tsarion Atlantis and the Origin of Evil (Part 1) 1 of 7
Alternative historian, researcher and teacher Michael Tsarion talks with Freeman on discussing the fabled lost city of Atlantis, the origins of evil, ancient space wars, pre-history, spiritual balance, designs of cities, Babylon, Sumeria and more. Excellent discussion which has as usual, a lot of truth mixed with some error. Once you know the errors to look for you can learn a great deal from discussions like this and how it all fits into future events, wars, the NWO agenda and so much more. What he is actually discussing is the deceptions, nature and workings of evil of Satan and his demons who have disguised these things throughout all cultures, history and civilizations in various forms and ways so at to make themselves look like the good guys and appear as though they were the ones wrongly persecuted by God and chased by Michael and his angels (Elohim) when it was in fact Satan (formerly Lucifer) that turned himself to the dark side and thus became the very source or Origin of all evil.
Terence McKenna – Boundary Dissolution (part 2)
well all animals and plants for that matter tend to reach evolutionary climax and occupy a niche…
Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science &culture issues. In the course of a few months time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show in the Usa or another country, lecturing at a mainstream science conference,or speaking to an alternative science gathering.As he crosses disciplinary & cultural boundaries,he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the History of Science Society,the World Archeological Congress, the Philosophy of Science Association, the European Association of Archaeologists & a research associate in history&philosophy of science for the Bhaktivedanta Institute. After receiving a scholarship to study International Affairs at George Washington University, Michael began to study the ancient histories of India known as the Vedas. In this way, he has broadened his academic knowledge with spirituality from the Eastern tradition. Recent Books: Cremo, MA,&Thompson, RL (1993) Forbidden Archeology. San Diego: Bhaktivedanta Institute (reviews¬ices in American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Geoarcheology, Journal of Field Archeology, Antiquity, Journal of Unconventional History, L’Homme, L’Anthropologie, British Journal for the History of Science, Social Studies of Science,& Ethology, Ecology, & Evolution. Translated into German as Verbotene Archaeologie (1994) Essen: Bettendorf. Cremo, MA & Thompson …