Galactic Times: Earth Report (Ep. 1)

Episode 1: News of Earth being broadcast to the entire Milky Way Galaxy, hosted by Leery Thomas and assisted by Trudy Spheron, with on-the-scene reports by RT. The focus of this series of special reports is on the new human science of remote viewing. The Galaxy is watching as Earth heads toward the “Event.” (Episode 1 release date: 29 January 2011) A production of A new type of motion-picture entertainment design, even better than science fiction. Remote-viewing “edutainent,” or reality-based educational entertainment that pushes back the boundaries of traditional science fiction. Starfield and planetary backgrounds by Ric Lopez Fabrega at , NASA, and JPL. For more information on remote viewing, see http Directed by Courtney Brown,

The art of Christine Ponce

My very first video sadly it isn’t me singing but God willing that will be one day soon, I just wanted to make a video to show some of my drawings from the past four years, I’m a self-taught artist and just started to draw back in 2006 I don’t like taking any credit I give all the glory and honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because I believe with all my heart that it’s him guiding my hand through the whole drawing process. I used the song All Around Me by my favorite band Flyleaf because I seriously can’t draw now if I don’t have their music playing in the background their music is such a blessing and I really hope to meet them someday especially Lacey she’s one of my biggest inspiration now I hope to meet her and Jodi Benson someday hehe anyway God bless and I hope you enjoy the video! with love, Christine Ponce -If you’re intrested in my work feel free to let me know here’s where you can catch me on the web I’m one of the illustrators for this book it comes out this month. –

A Finkle In Time!!!

The Finkles check out their performance space only to find some unsuspecting thespians already performing. See what happens when Wrinkle meets The Finkles!!! A Wrinkle In Time Now playing through December 26, 2010 The Finkles’ Theater Show!!! Now playing through December 14, 2010 Tickets and more information at

1/12 Steve Quayle!Russ Dizdar.Demonic Possession.Ritual Abuse.Bloodlines.REMAKE Sept 4 09

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST BY SPECIAL REQUEST — REMAKE OF SEPTEMBER 4 2009 3 HOUR BROADCAST w RUSS DIZDAR The original had poor audio. If there are other special requests for the ‘blue period’ videos, let me know. Some of them can’t be fixed. Three Hour program Friday Sept 3 2009 Steve Quayle and Russ Dizdar discuss Demonic possession, Ritual Abuse, Anti Christ, Bloodlines, Second Coming of Christ LISTEN TO STEVE AND OR HAWK TH 6-8 TH AND LISTEN TO RUSS MTWF 6 PM ET TH 7 PM here – RUSS DIZDAR WEBSITE SUNDAY NIGHT BLOGTALK (link on website) write RUSS @ If you can send financial support to Hawk, send to Hawk care of Steve Quayle- Safe Trek 315 Edelweiss Dr. Bozeman, MT 59718 1.406.586.484 Enerfood! Protect yourself with Mesosilver http CALL STEVE for immediate delivery of metals 406 586 4840