Dear Glenn Beck, Egypt Destabilization-Op Hatched by Globalists, Not Communists Alex Jones breaks down the real factors behind Egypt’s uprising in a special video report where he rebuffs the theories of Glenn Beck, who tries to link the Muslim Brotherhood to radical socialism in the United States. While George Soros has significant influence over these mid-east events, he alone is not the ringmaster in the global game of chess. He is, rather, among those in control of an offshore globalist corporate cartel that dominates the finance of all nations and seeks influence over their domestic affairs. For Beck, current events in Egypt are occurring as a result of their connection to his pet-list of far-Left idealogues, like Van Jones, and a host of organizations and unions allegedly linked to Soros. While many of these connections are legitimate, Beck obscures altogether the long history of Pentagon intervention in foreign politics. The CIA and US military have, for decades, sponsored and created radical Islamic factions, including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban and more. What is really underway is a complex series of destabilization efforts all across the Middle East region, and perhaps the making of a wider war. Carroll Quigley: The Anglo-American Establishment Caroll Quigley: Tragedy & Hope Arnold Toynbee: Acquaintances (See TE Lawrence, Nehru, et al.) TE Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia): Seven

Beast1333 ft. KRS-One & Barack Obama – Change *Lyrics

This time around, I uploaded a “theme” of sorts, The Beast1333 double dose Decent song by the guy, but not superior to all the artists you’ve seen spammed on videos. But give him some props, the guy does have a pretty killer ending quote. Obama clips were taken off of The Obama Deception, you should watch it. Lyrics “Come with it! If I ruled the states, things would be great I predicted this back in 1988 he may be late I told you, we the future presidents white house residents Setting new precedence no need for hesitance When you vote in this years election man, the whole world benefits Its not national; its about a few places Its about America putting on some new faces But its not about races. Its about justice and recovering old cases Busters, you gotta trust us, 40 years since Dr. Kings death you gotta love this Corruption we trying to get above this Americans cant afford prescription drugs Time for new energy and freedom from foreign oil dependency Defeat old enemies, but my question to the president is this How long American violence supposed to exist? How long we supposed to live like this? To the REAL president, Im giving my list Change is whats happening How we going to change when we all remain the same Can you change every brain, will it all happen again? We manipulated stipulated, is it all a game? Now my president is Obama, his middle name Hussein Hussein got hung, lord tell me what weve done Is it the counsel of foreign relation up in air



Occult Symbolism 102: Michael Tsarion p2 of 11

PLEASE READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION Um, first off I even tried to edit my own full copy of this vid and found out that the audio/vid didn’t synch up. So the same’s gonna be for this piece. I picked up this copy from two users and I thank them kindly. As far as the Occult Symbolism class goes, this guy Michael Tsarion is pretty good at spotting and doing the esoteric homework of the symbols and stuff played out in media and marketing. That said, not EVERY LITTLE THING has an occult angle. Not every little thing. I understand that advertising classes and companies use this or that element/s often and such. So let’s not polarize and point the finger and go, “They’re ALL evil and should burn. BURN!” Salem is in the past, as was its flimsy way of identifying witches and such and let it remain so. BUT STILL, lets not forget that there are those that DO know of the occultic meaining of the symbols used and use it in that manner. In the manner to communicate to those in the know that this company belongs to this group or faction. Its up to YOU to find your way through the gray area and discern whether its one thing or the other. He that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Like that. Hopefully youve seen the previous Occult Symbolism 101 with Jordan Maxwell and youll begin to see the difference between the profane, which is John Q. Public, and those with the 3rd Eye. Those that can see what the blind cannot. Truth be told, 90% of the blind cant