Art Bell interviews Richard Hoagland about anomolies on Mars and the Moon.
Day: June 19, 2011
Into the mind- beyond the Christ Vibration?
What is the highest state of being that exists in the entire Universe/Mind/Heart/God/Heaven/Love?… in other words, are there higher vibrations than Christ Vibration, Higher, deeper?.. what is the highest and deepest level that I can reach, the most mind blowing levels that there is, that exist.. even to the extent that goes far beyond God ? These and other questions are responded to by the White, Winged, Collective consciousness of Nine, through Magenta Pixie. Music “Bound of mystery” and “Longing for rescue” by Freeplay LCC
Dr Deagle with Texe Marrs (5-May-11)(2-3)(UNDERSTANDING THE NWO series)
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Sex Cult – Britney Spears, Madonna & Anna Nicole Join Freeman for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole’s baby girl an attempt to raise a “moonchild” through an occult ritual? You decide. [Original Air-Date March 7 2007]
George Carlin revisits Al Sleet, the Hippy Dippy Weatherman from 1978’s ‘George Carlin Again’.