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Month: June 2011
Illuminati Goals, Some Predictions, and the Dollar Bill (part 1of 4)
All the symbols of the dollar bill are covered. Even the symbols such as the acacia spring, the owl, and sacred geometry are covered, which most researchers forget to include. These videos will prove without a shadow of a doubt that the Great Seal of the United States (the symbols of the dollar bill) is a magickal symbol to conjure the resurrection/reincarnation of Nimrod and his One World Government. These videos will also include the 25 Illuminati goals and give predictions based on the symbols of the Great Seal and Biblical prophecy. Chainedgarden Productions 2011 – for more reading – David Ovason “The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill” Laurence Gardner “The Shadow of Solomon” David Flynn “Cydonia” Alexander Hislop “The Two Babylons” Richard Cavendish “The Black Arts” Graham Hancock “Fingerprints of the Gods” Richard Hoagland “The Monuments of Mars” Joseph Farrell “Babylon’s Banksters” Thomas Horn “Apollyon Rising 2012” Fritz Springmeier “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” This is just the tip of an enormous iceberg of reading material on this subject. Any books by these authors and any book one can find on the occult will help the student learn about these subjects. This knowledge is suppressed so the “world” can stay asleep and not recognize the truth. Last, but not least, Read the actual Hebrew/Greek Bible (with Lexicon and dictionary) with a book on how the “ancients” conveyed messages. (Don’t drink the Elite’s kool-aid.)
The Global Techno Revolution Self-Government stOp suppOrting global childabuse . chemtrails ΞΞΞΞΞΞ✈STOP pOisOning Us!! … RELOADED … Techno Revolution + Self-Government – Medium from dylaneleven
NEW 3 in one Hit Bong Rip Outta the Einstein Bong
Hitten Einstein
Graham Hancock – Entangled Between The Past and The Present (1-6)(REVOLUTION IN MIND series)
The ‘REVOLUTION’ may not be ‘TELEVISED’ – but if ‘YOU SEARXCH’ you will ‘SEE’ it on ‘YOUTUBE’ – use it before they ‘PULL IT’… *For ‘QUALITY INFORMATION’ (QI), videos, news and features contained in our Associate Channels and Digital Information Platforms, Google ‘yousearxch-‘ (followed by ‘name’ or ‘series title’) for a ‘global search’ or click on ‘yousearxch’ tag, for YouTube only search. YouInformation