Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few month’s time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists as well as an associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science.
Month: July 2011
Auf den Spuren der All-Mächtigen 1_2 – 1v6.-.03-Flugzeuge.der.Götter.flv
Auf den Spuren der All-Mächtigen 1_2 – 1v6.-.03-Flugzeuge.der.Götter. Mit diesen einzigartigen Bild- und Tondokumenten führt Erich von Däniken Sie auf eine fantastische Entdeckungsreise durch Raum und Zeit zu den ältesten Kulturen der Welt. Bei seinen fantasievollen Interpretationen beschäftigt sich Erich von Däniken mit zahlreichen rätselhaften Erscheinungen der Weltgeschichte. Er geht vielfältigen Fragen nach und präsentiert archäologische Phänomene, deren Rätsel die Wissenschaft bis heute noch nicht erklären kann. Er bietet so überraschende wie plausible Antworten auf Fragen, die die Menschheit seit Jahrtausenden beschäftigt und sich in ihren Bauwerken niedergeschlagen haben. In der ersten Folge dieser faszinierenden Reise durch Raum und Zeit begibt sich Erich von Däniken auf Spurensuche bei den alten Ägyptern. Außerdem stellt er verblüffende Zusammenhänge zwischen den Maßen legendärer Bauwerke und dem Erddurchmesser her. In Anatolien untersucht er ein verschlungenes Netz unterirdischer Steinzeitbunker. Göttliche Himmelfahrzeuge auf altindischen Kultbildern deutet er als Raumfahrzeuge prähistorischer Astronauten. Auf der Mittelmeerinsel Malta gibt es uralte Steingleise, die an vorzeitliche Flugrampen erinnern. Wer hat sie gebaut?
Space News Richard Hoagland Coast to Coast am 07:20:2011.mov
www.facebook.com www.coasttocoastam.com n the second half, as the Shuttle prepared to land on its last mission, C2C Science advisor Richard C. Hoagland discussed what he views as coming “game changer” events. NASA, he said, was for once, telling the truth about data they’ve been receiving from a space exploration– in this case, sharing revealing photos of the Vesta asteroid, sent back by the Dawn spacecraft (see below). Hoagland suggested that the Vesta photos show evidence of geometric shapes that indicate ruins. The asteroid may in fact be a huge space station built by a Type 2 civilization, he announced. The other game changer is the arrival of comet Elenin, which will make its closest pass on 9/11/11, and demonstrates numerical evidence of being artificially made, he continued. The object is on a hyperbolic trajectory which means that it has never passed the sun before. Hoagland theorized that the comet could be a kind of time capsule, possibly sent to us by an Atlantean civilization around 13000 years ago. News segment guests: Carole Lieberman, Andre Eggelletion Website(s): spookedtv.com enterprisemission.com Book(s): Dark Mission
2011 NBA All-Star Rap Battle: East vs. West
East vs. West Rap Battle! Made by Gift Rapped: www.giftrapped.com Lyrics [West] The West got something hot cooking in the kitchen. You wanna be on a poster, come see Blake Griffin, We’re 3 point swishing, Kobe Bryant winning West will win, we’re not waitin on Decision Get crossed up we leave you all shook Chris Paul, D Will, or Russell Westbroook How do you want it? We’re the best cuz we’re suppose to be Dynamic duo with Duncan and Ginoboli [East] You hopeless G, totally mad confused Cuz if you stepping to the East you definitely gon’ lose D wade crossing over’ll break both of your knees After that you gonna get dunked on by the man KG Crazy, when Rondo swagging driving down the lane Pass it off to Joe John let him do his thing Ray Allen making it rain, do I gotta explain? When Dwight Howard hits the paint, you gonna feel the pain! [Hook] NBA All-Star 2011 You think you an All-Star? Come on let’s get it. We’re in LA, a building of legends. Yep I’m an All-Star that’s right I said it. [East] The East always full of them All-Stars Horford and Chris Bosh you know we ball hard Amare Stoudemire gonna make it rain fire And Lebron James will cause your whole team to retire D Rose getting wet coming with the finesse There’s no contest even if we playing out west Stop second guessing the East is all veterans Paul Pierce shooting the lights out, any questions? [West] Nah, no questions, I got all the answers bruh Carmelo Anthony and Kevin Durantula We got more handles than you can …
Awakening (Part 2 of 4)
Awakening alex collier david wilcock consciousness gregg braden energy earth eft jesus code spirit spiritual truth world light universe healing ufo ancient knowledge sacred quantum physics meditation reality prophecy human mind wisdom “star wars” alien jim carrey vibrations love we are all one oprah lady gaga amrerican idols iphone fellthetrend