Month: November 2011
ALEX JONES–Nostradamus–Hunter S. Thompson–BILL DEAGLE–RON PAUL–MICHAEL C. RUPPERT–TED GUNDERSON–JEROME CORSI–STEWART SWERDLOW–GEORGE KNAPP–JOHN DeCAMP–JESSE VENTURA–Noam Chomsky–Peter Ruckman–Eric Hufschmid–SHERMAN SKOLNICK–MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER–STAN DEYO–STEVEN QUAYLE–MARK PASSIO–LEO ZAGAMI–ALAN WATT–JORDAN MAXWELL–Robert Anton Wilson–Linda Moulton Howe–Ed Dames–Steve Jackson–John Hogue–Mitch Horowitz–Lindsey Williams–Edgar Cayce–Rosemary Ellen Guiley–Zecharia Sitchin–David Bay–Bill Schnoebelen–Jack McLamb–Richard Syrett–JEFF RENSE–CHRIS WHITE–JACK BLOOD–ANTHONY J. HILDER–MICHAEL TSARION–BARBARA SIMPSON–VINNY EASTWOOD–GEORGE NOORY–DAVID ICKE–JASON BERMAS–MARK DICE–WHITLEY STREIBER–RICHARD C. HOAGLAND–DR. LEN HOROWITZ–Dr. Stanley Monteith–James Colquhoun–Laurentine ten Bosch–Jim Marrs–Daryl Bradford Smith–Jim Tucker–ART BELL TEXE MARRS, LENNY BLOOM, LEE ROGERS, JOSH REEVES, WILLIAM ZABEL, JUSTIN PRIMM, JEFFREY GRUPP, RUSS DIZDAR, G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, Pierre Sabak, William Rodriguez, Steven Greer, William Henry, Gary Lachman, R. Gary Patterson, Doc Marquis, Arthur Goldwag, Brian Desborough, William H. Kennedy, Pamela J. Ray, Edmond Paris, Oliver E. Murray, Nesta Helen Webster, James Burns, Leuren Moret, Daniel Estulin, John D. Marks, Philip Gardiner, Barry Chamish, Henry Makow, Victor Thorn, Greg Szymanski, Sean Casteel, Al Bielek, Bob Tuskin, Commander X, James Corbett, Wayne Madsen, Paul Verge, Ben Fuchs, Patrick …
Graham Hancock – The Ark of the Covenant, Pyramids…(ANCIENT MYSTERIES series)
‘QUALITY INFORMATION’ (QI) is ‘WEALTH’ – to ‘FIND IT’ – ”Yousearxch” – the ‘PREMIERE’ educational ‘VIDEO’ ‘SEARCH’ tool. This is a ‘YOUSEARXCH’ ‘SUPPORT’ and ‘FEEDER’ channel dedicated to providing easy ‘VIDEO’ ‘ACCESS’ to ‘QUALITY’ ‘NEWS’, ‘CURRENT EVENTS’ ‘LECTURES and other important and interesting ‘INFORMATION’ largely ignored by the mainstream media. We define the term ‘SEARXCH’ as being a search for ‘DIGITALLY’ transmitted ‘SENSE-VISUAL’ information. This would incorporate ‘IMAGES’ and ‘VIDEOS’ ‘YOUSEARXCH’ – is a unique ‘YOUTUBE’ video ‘SEARCH TOOL’ – by using our ‘INTELLIGENT UPLOADS’ you can have ‘INSTANT’ access to 1000’s of youtube videos from any one of our uploaded videos. It is easy to use and for those who are seeking ‘QUALITY INFORMATION’ (QI) – Here’s how you use it – . *For ‘QUALITY INFORMATION’ (QI), videos, news and features contained in our Associate Channels and Digital Information Platforms, Google ‘yousearxch-the-you-data-bank’ or ‘yousearxch-‘ (followed by ‘name’ or ‘series title’) or ‘ANY’ search ‘WORD’ – for a ‘global search’, or click on the relevant ‘yousearxch’ tag which you will see below and in the descriptions section of all uploaded videos for a YouTube only search. So for example – if you click the ‘yousearxch-all-series’ tag this will take you instantly to our ‘DATA-BANK’ of videos from there, by clicking on further tags you can home in on more specific categories, such as ‘yousearxch-politics-in-action, yousearxch-obama, yousearxch …
This is a quote from Albert Einstein’s book, “Out of My Later Years.” I think it sums up my own outlook on humanity. Here’s the text of the entire quote: A human being is part of a whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our tasks must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
“All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream”: the illusory nature of physical reality, creative consciousness & the universal mind. Featuring Fred Alan Wolf, Nassim Haramein, Amit Goswami, Jim Al Khalili, Greg Braden, Bill Hicks & David Icke. (music: Rachid Taha “Barra Barra”) Original Uploader:-