What is the meaning behind secret messages found throughout Washington, DC? Did America’s Founding Fathers know something about ancient aliens that the general public did not? And if so, could this knowledge have been incorporated into the symbols, architecture, and even the founding documents of the United States of America?
Day: December 28, 2011
Blue Apples (Stargate 2012 Wormholes) by William Henry DVD1 (1/6)
Mirrored from bangonitdave
The Rookies beat the Sophomores by 8 points. John Wall: MVP
Art Bell interviews Richard Hoagland about anomalies on Mars and the Moon.
www.mediafire.com 2011 07-09 Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents: Maj. Ed Dames on TMRN Radio www.learnrv.com www.urbansurvival.com www.halfpasthuman.com www.webbotforum.com