Alex Jones 2011 27 Hour Money-Bomb Marathon Begins!

Alex hosts a power-packed 27 hour long money-bomb presentation today with a number of guests, including: Joel Skousen, Webster Tarpley, Katherine Albrecht, George Noory, David Icke, Alfred Adask, Texe Mars, James Corbett, Fritz Springmeier, Charlotte Iserbyt, Nick Begich, Paul Joseph Watson, Aaron Dykes, Mike Adams, Richard Reeves, Gerald Celente, Jim Marrs, and Bob Chapman, and more….plus comedy.

Texe Marrs – Zionism & The Republican Party (28-Nov-11)(3-3)(POLITICS IN ACTION series )

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Playlist: 1) thefreemanperspective.blogspot… 2) This is a great talk done by Freeman of “The Freeman Perspective”. It is based upon the occultic symbolism in Walt Disney’s paradise playlands for children and Freeman backs it up with alot of great evidence and information. 33rd degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover tried for 4 years to get Freemason, Walt Disney, into the FBI He finally succeeded and felt Disney would do a great job in putting masonic beliefs into the minds of children. Disney’s World finally began to Hoover’s liking. You must note too that all of the rides in Disney World is sponsored by a military industrial corporation Also check out