On June 24, 2011 at 11am PDT… TICKETS ON SALE NOW projectcamelot.tv Come and see Richard C Hoagland speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and 25 September 2011. http This is a Project Camelot Roundtable Conference: Richard Hoagland has some very crucial information that has come in and as a result, he will need the extra time to prepare his data for presentation to the group and our audience. This is something you are going to want to be part of…We are talking about events that will be happening in the fall that are paradigm changing for humanity. The speakers involved in this conference are each bringing an important piece of the puzzle. All of the data on what is coming is not in, but the evidence brought forward will be discussed in depth to consider all of the possibilities… This is a developing story… I can’t urge you enough to join us in this investigation… June 24th at 11 AM PDT.

LIVE – Letting Go – Movement Toward Ascension – Enjoying Life

2010-12-29 2nd LIVE Journal, Mayan day 9 Earth ♥ TRANSCRIPT: www.scribd.com Intro: Maybe Harmony Cat is not crossing over, says Ken, my medical intuitive friend. That’s good news. It may be that the zeolyte I’m using, called Waoria, have brought on a healing crisis for her. I’ll be so glad to see her get past this. I want to share something I’m noticing, and that is that to be in harmony with current cycles, we need to be letting things go. This appears to be a time of casting off of the old, of letting all sorts of things go, which includes the way relationships were set up. I’m finding that, when I come forward, clearly, with the honest truth about why things need to change – I’m feeling greatly strengthened. Sometimes, just speaking up for the self is a challenge. We’re not used to doing that – but rather, just ‘Getting along.’ Well, it may help to look through these letting-go eyes at the things going on in your life, right now. Maybe you’ll notice, as I have, that there really does seem to be a momentum, ongoing, of being stripped of old things. Thus, even just writing a letter to a friend, and clearly stating the new boundaries that I’ve set for myself, so that I can be happy in the relationship – this makes me stronger – and lighter. I just feel better. Things that make you go hmmm. Our load is being lightened, as we move toward ascension – whether we like it or not. Certain things, certain energies, just can’t make it up into the more rarefied levels we’re

Energy at the Movies™ – Discussion Panel – March 9, 2011

Panel following the “Energy at the Movies” TV event at KLRU’s Austin City Limits studio 6A on March 9, 2011. Panelists included Turk Pipkin (nobelity.org ), Matthew Chapman (http ), Dr. Charles Ramirez Berg (rtf.utexas.edu ) and Sheril Kirshenbaum (sherilkirshenbaum.com ) in a discussion moderated by “Energy at the Movies” host and creator, Dr. Michael Webber. *** “70 Years of Energy on the Big Screen” http From the gushing geysers of Giant, to the plutonium-powered time machine of Back to the Future, Hollywood has entertained us with unforgettable, often iconic images of energy. Whether intentional or not, films frequently serve as a snapshot of society, capturing sentiments of each time period. Many films have themes or scenes that memorialize collective optimism, fears, and observations about energy. Using film clips as a historical road map, Energy at the Movies is an entertaining lecture that will enlighten audiences about the ways films influence how we think about energy, and in turn, how we influence energy policy. All copyrights reserved of their respective corporations. This was an educational event held on the UT campus with support from KLRU TV, Austin PBS. It was sponsored by the American Clean Skies Foundation with additional support by AMD, the CleanTX Foundation, Scientific American and Kulabyte.


I recorded this audio about 2 months ago. I wrote this on the plane, flying back to Fallon, from Home, after my Mom’s funeral last year. I’m not stuck in the same place I was then, but I expect to go there occasionally, ’til I leave this life. I tried to cut out the crying at the beginning, so that’s why it starts out choppy. I ended up just saying “forget it”. GBU, MDJ. All Or Nothing To Me If I were to write something, what would it be? It would be that this writing means nothing to me. All or nothing—it matters not which it would be. All of nothing hits, and shatters hot glass into me. The blood that once ran through my veins has run cold, and drained from the body that wasn’t yet old. It didn’t just run through my veins, I’ve been told; it ran to my heart, from a heart of white gold. It ran through my flesh ‘fore my flesh had a heart…a beloved, living being from my single-celled start. Though our love still connected, our flesh torn apart. So, a bane is all writing or any such art. Appallingly pale seems all heretofore hailed as beauty in this, a world now replete with complete incompleteness, its failings unveiled. For what in this world or this life could have prolonged her joy or her strife, had she pleaded for such? Or what from a wife spurned, or Mother who yearned for her boy might I learn may have proven too much for even a golden white heart. It emboldened the soul to behold how she held on to hope and to love. But, though love lingers long and still comes