Bill Cooper – Satanic Federal Reserve Board cabal nuclear false flag


This is an amazing video series that goes into why and where fema camps are being built, this is no joke anymore, this is no conspiracy anymore, this is real life. spread these videos and any videos in my database you can! thank you all! pt.4

2/11 EndtimeWatchman! RANT APR 26 2010

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST EndtimeWatchman Returns! RANT April 26 2010 !!!SUPPORT BILLY WITH DONATIONS!!! @ Billy PO Box 756 KILA, Montana 59920 Trapper and / or Billy will speak with travel expenses contact Trapper @ Trapper’s Cabin POBox 914 Marion MT 59925 NOW DAILY 3-5 CT 4-6 ET listen live on your phone or call in to talk – (347) 324-3704 you can also listen live online and join the chat —– sign in at the top right. then when it’s time for the show, a ‘play/chat’ button will show up, click on that. FREEDOMIZER PRAY ! SUPPORT PASTOR MANNINGs OBAMA Trial May 14-19 Harlem support ETWs supporters disclaimer.. no income from sales Buy silver and metals John Stokes get free DVDs to wake people up from Robin 406 885 1003 SOS Survive on Silver

All Vamp Twilight Story Ep.8.wmv

Bella’s Pov. I thought ‘If you say Edward your dead’. Ali:Edward Cullen. She said slowly. Me:Now you are so dead. Ali:Bella sis we all know that you like him. Ed,Em,Jaz&Rose:We do now. Me:And they all know that you like Jaz now. Ali:Bella sis you know it is true. You have been sad and alone for too long. Me:Its not like you haven’t had a boyfriend recently either. Ali:Sis that is different and you know it. You have never had one. Me:I know sis i really do. Ali:Sis i just want you to be happy. I had a vision of Ed and I in a secret meadow’ I showed Ali. Me:I have had that vision three times today and each time it gets clearer. Ali:See i told you. Me:Oh but you will love this one when it comes true. I thought of the vision that i had of Ali and Jaz kissing. I giggled. Ali:I know i will love it. Ali and i both laugh. Ali:So what have you four got next? Me:Rose has beauty, big boy Em has football, Jazy has art like you Ali and little Eddie has music just like me. Ali:They can speak for themselves sis. I laugh. Me:Oh i know. Rose:And what is up with the names? Me:I dunno i was bored. Ali:Obviously. Em:Ed and Bella have a lot in common. Ed&I:Why? Em:Because you do. Rose:What instrument do you play Bells? Me:Not saying? Ali:She plays the guitar and sings. What about you Edward? Ed doesn’t say anything. Jaz:They are both just as stubborn as eachother. Em:Ed plays the piano and guitar and he also sings. Rose:The perfect pair. Ed&I:Oh please SHUT UP. Ali,Jaz,Em and Rose all laugh

Dark Dark Dark Live at The Lexington (plus Interview)

Dark Dark Dark Play The Lexington, London on 30th November 2010. interviewed by Jade Fitton for Livemusic… aptly it really really snowed that day! In a rather magical way! Our interviewer Jade sums up Dark Dark Dark extremely well in her introduction, in fact its accuracy caused shivers to overcome me like a potent anaesthetic, replacing sleep were salty tears at the precipice of palpebras. Before the point of overflowing this frontier to cascade the ageing skin of cheeks, they trembled blurring my vision. “Awesome” is indeed a fantastic description of this Minneapolis-based folk band. Having blinked away this kaleidoscopic shimmer quoting Einstein seemed appropriate: “A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received.” – Albert Einstein Well Dark Dark Dark’s labour I can say has made life a richer and more romantic arena to live out these strange and beautiful hours. Vocalist Nona Marie Invie could have been somewhat reticent describing to us the magical happenings when writing her songs. A hesitation that may have been granted – for us. For it is us that may not have swam through the glorious lagoons of the spirit and may be cautious and embarrassed about alluding to a greater significance. is very proud to bring you this portrait of their concert at The Lexington in Kings Cross and hope you enjoy