Frank Joseph Hoff graduated in 1978 from Shoreline Community College in Seattle, Washington (USA) with an Associates Arts & Sciences degree in Business Administration. Then in 1982 Mr. Hoff went on to graduate from the University of Washington School of Business in Seattle where he earned a Bachelor degree in Business Administration with concentrations in both Marketing and Management & Organization. From a very young age Mr. Hoff became very interested in the sciences and ancient mysteries (The Lost City and Continent of Atlantis)In 1996 Mr. Hoff met up with Richard Hoagland (the former science advisor to Walter Cronkite) at a Mars conference in Seattle and started doing some pro bono research for him on his off hours. It is while doing research for Mr. Hoagland that Mr. Hoff came across the unusual work of a Brazilian professor by the name of Prof.Arysio Nunes dos Santos(Ph.D.)on his Atlantis website ( Atlantis – The Lost Continent Finally Found.In 1998 Mr. Hoff contacted Prof. Santos via an e-mail to his son Bernardo.Then in 1999 after many conversations with Prof. Santos, Mr. Hoff became his understudy, researcher and business agent in order to let the whole world know about Prof. Santos’ amazing discoveries by helping him to get his new book published on Atlantis in English until the professor’s untimely death on September 09, 2005 less than two months after its release. He is continuing Prof. Santos’ seminal discovery work by still being his understudy …
Day: August 12, 2012
Bill Hicks Arizona Bay (FULL)
Bill Hicks Arizona Bay
The Perfect Prison
La latitud 19,47º de las esferas cósmicas. Supermassive black hole Sun cicle: day 21/12/2012. HD
La importancia de esta latitud, en las esferas cósmicas, fué descubierta por Richard Hoagland ( física hiperdimensional) y el físico suizo Nassim Haramein (la estructura fractal del universo). Su importancia, se ha puesto de manifiesto en el reciente terremoto de Japon, y seguirá aumentando a medida que se acerca el viernes 21 de Diciembre del año 2012. Homenaje al genio José Argüelles, sincretizador de la sabiduria maya, y su calendario dreamspell. #4 Superfavoritos (hoy)- Ciencia y tecnología. #7 Más valorados (hoy)- Ciencia y tecnología. #9 Más comentados (hoy)- Ciencia y tecnología. #15 Superfavoritos (esta semana)- Ciencia y tecnología.