3/5 LG’s Stewart Best Mid Week Free Update — VISIT LIGHTGATE- FEB 16

FAIR USE EDUCATION NOT FOR PROFITCLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com STEWART BEST HAS A PAID BEST REPORT. THIS IS A FREE MIDWEEK REPORT. PLEASE GO TO THE LIGHTGATE SITE AND SUPPORT THEM. SUPPORT STEWART’S PAID BEST REPORT. THANK YOU THIS CHANNEL IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND POSTS UNDER FAIR USE RULES. I DO NOT RECEIVE ANY BENEFIT IN ANY WAY FOR ANY VIDEO I POST AND MANY LONG HOURS IN PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATION. I DISTRIBUTE STRICTLY TO SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD IN THESE TRYING TIMES. PLEASE VISIT THE LIGHTGATE SITE. SUPPORT THE SITE. I AM SIMPLY INTRODUCING NEW LISTENERS TO LIGHTGATE . THEY ARE GOING TO A PAID SERIVE YOU WILL WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO CONTINUE TO GET THEIR UPDATES. They are offering a special price for their DVD “Native American Prophecies – Red Elk, Through The Fire”– $17.95 . Take his advice — that is , if you want to live through the FIRST PHASE of these MEGA-EARTH CHANGES. This is special offer good only from today through May 15th. USPO only, no case, no fancy cover, just the DVD in paper protective cover. Call 1-800-257-2672 to order. Stewart Best and Larry Taylor www.thelightgate.com blog larrywtaylor.org Lightgate with Stewart Best lightgateblogger.com enigma@truinsight.com Larry W. Taylor EMAIL: From_The_Edge2011@yahoo.com

David Icke – Don’t be afraid… It’s just a ride!

uyghur.nl www.infowars.com www.jordanmaxwell.com www.redicecreations.com www.rense.com truthfrequencyradio.com www.jimmarrs.com www.lloydpye.com www.davidicke.com www.michaeltsarion.com www.vaticanassassins.org iamthewitness.com


A balanced discussion on the illuminati and the masons considering the case of both the good and bad in both ideas. Light vs. Dark Illuminati is a distinction that should be applied. Are the leaders of the conscience the same as the dark overlords who choose to rule the world through force and control?

Phil Hansen(philinthecircle) named official artist for the Grammy Awards

Official Website- www.philinthecircle.com Phil youtube- www.youtube.com Time Lapse Grammy Video- www.youtube.com Grammys- www.grammy.com

Susan Komen Caught Overselling The Benefits of Mammograms

(NaturalNews) It is time for the truth to be told about Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The organization is, flatly stated, engaged in fraud. Funded by drug companies and mammogram manufacturers, the organization preys upon women in order to grow its own financial power while feeding female victims into the conventional cancer industry grinder. All across America, men and women participate in “run for the cure” events, raising tens of millions of dollars each year that go into the hands of Komen for the Cure. What these people don’t know is that much of that money is spent on “free” mammograms. Those mammograms, in turn, actually cause breast cancer because they subject women to high doses of ionizing radiation. The Susan G. Komen scam, in essence, is to raise money that’s used to give women cancer and create a financial windfall for the very same companies that financially support Komen in the first place. “The Komen Foundation owns stock in General Electric, one of the largest makers of mammogram machines in the world. It also owns stock in several pharmaceutical companies, including AstraZeneca,” reports Tony Isaacs at NaturalNews (www.naturalnews.com Learn more: www.naturalnews.com www.infowars.com www.planetinfowars.com [Support infowars and spread the news] www.infowarsstore.com www.prisonplanet.tv