This is an amazing video series that goes into why and where fema camps are being built, this is no joke anymore, this is no conspiracy anymore, this is real life. spread these videos and any videos in my database you can! thank you all!


This video examines the various agendas that are CURRENTLY being pushed through Hip-Hop and the direction they are moving us in. This work is a mixture of conversations from Alan Watt, Tupac Shakur & “Gwapo’s” weekly Radio Show. WAKE UP! Video From: www.youtube.com

IQ 200+ | Smartest person ever (4 of 4)

Part four (of four) of a meta-analysis ranking of the world’s 37 greatest geniuses, child prodigies, and thinkers ever said to have had an IQ of 200 or above, with a countdown to the #1 all-time smartest person ever: www.eoht.info For everyone who keeps posting “where is so and so?”, I have merged the 300 Cox geniuses (with IQs) and the 100 Buzan geniuses (with IQs) and am slowly expanding on this combined list to make a re-ranked “400+ greatest geniuses of all time by IQ” list: www.eoht.info Please submit your votes (with “realistic” estimated IQ) below, after reviewing this growing under-construction list. Cattell 1000: www.eoht.info References (page): www.eoht.info Candidates (other/tentative): www.eoht.info Goethe pronunciations: inogolo.com www.goethesociety.org Euler pronunciation: www.youtube.com Euler genealogy (to see how Clausius fits into the big picture): www.eoht.info About William Sidis (as character for Good Will Hunting): www.eoht.info To see how Goethe’s 1799 elective affinities theory fits correctly into the big picture of modern physical science, in regards to corroboration and validity, see the following timelines: Human thermodynamics pioneers (500+): www.eoht.info Human chemistry pioneers (70+): www.eoht.info Human molecular science pioneers (120+): www.eoht.info Lastly, a newly-started page for a tentative possible future video entitled “IQ 150+ | Smartest woman ever”, see link below, is under construction: tiny.cc Recent JHT article (2011

Ron Paul 2012 – Urgent Warning!

uyghur.nl www.infowars.com www.jordanmaxwell.com www.redicecreations.com www.rense.com truthfrequencyradio.com www.jimmarrs.com www.lloydpye.com www.davidicke.com www.michaeltsarion.com www.vaticanassassins.org iamthewitness.com