YHVH – The 22 Names of Blasphemy

22 guess names from the Tetragrammaton: Yahueh Iahueh Yahuah Iahuah Yahevahe Iahevahe Yohwah Iohwah Yohweh Iohweh Yahwah Iahuwah Iahwe Yahwe Iehwah Yehweh Iehweh Yahweh Iahweh Yehwah Iahwah Yahohewah Iahohewah Jove Yahuwah Iahwah Yahveh Yehveh Yahohevah Jehovah iehovah Yahweh – The Name of a Pagan God www.jesus-messiah.com There is overwhelming historic evidence that Yahweh was a pagan name, not the name of God. Exodus 6:3 God says by his true name he was not known to Abraham, yet in all modern translations it’s the same name that appears in Genesis. The name Ehyeh was given to Moses in Exodus 3:14. Evidence of the fake names written in newer hebrew in blanks from old hebrew scrolls is found within the Dead Sea Scrolls. “Yahweh appears to have been originally a sky god – a god of thunder and lightning. He was associated with mountains and was called by the enemies of Israel ‘a god of the hills’. His manifestation was often as fire, as at Mount Sinai and in the burning bush.” “A shorter form, ‘Yah’, was also used (Exodus 15:2) and some scholars believe that this is the older form, originating in an exclamation to God – ‘Yah!’ – which came to be accepted as the divine name. Others claim that it is from the root ‘hayah’, ‘to be’ or ‘to become’, and that it meant ‘I am that I am’ or I will be that I will be’. According to one tradition of the call of Moses, the divine name Yahweh was revealed to him in Egypt: – Great Events of Bible Times “Originally, these four consonants


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All That I Am – Anna Funder

From Anna Funder, the author of Stasiland, a thriller and a powerful love story that tells the heroic and tragic true story of the German resistance. One September morning, elderly Ruth Wesemann wakes to the sound of a parcel being delivered to her door. Inside she finds a tattered little notebook. Opening its delicate pages she meets with a flood of memories… It’s 1933 and she is back in her light-filled flat in Berlin. Hans is making caipirinhas, snow falls outside the kitchen window, and Hitler is making his first speech as Chancellor of Germany. Her life and those of her tight-knit group of friends are about to change beyond all recognition. Having dedicated themselves to resisting the Nazi’s rise, they have become hunted outlaws overnight. Fleeing the country, Ruth and Hans find refuge in a basement flat in Bloomsbury, but inspired by Ruth’s fearless cousin Dora, they defy the conditions of their visas and risk being sent back to Germany in order continue their dangerous resistance work. But with each breathtaking act of courage and every person that they trust, they cannot help but risk betrayal and deceit. And then, one day, they face the chilling realisation that Hitler’s reach extends much further than they had thought, even to London itself. Inspiring, tragic and based on real events, All That I Am is a masterful and devastating novel of bravery and betrayal, of the risks and sacrifices that people endure to protect their beliefs and of discovering remarkable