WHITE HOUSE RACE FLARES UP! New-cracks in US-Israeli relations

Subscribe here for the latest worldwide news www.youtube.com Thanks for watching The race to the White House seems to be driving a deeper wedge between America and Israel over Iran’s nuclear ambitions. President Obama is now using all his influence to rein-in Israel’s increasingly-aggressive stance towards Tehran. Paula Slier reports on how wide their division has become.

CANADASTREETNEWS.com websites are down- September 15, 2009, 08:14 AM

www.scribd.com for urgent videos. See www.scribd.com 09 15 09 (Numerology 969 =6 today). YES CANADA- WE HAVE A ONE PARTY SYSTEM. NDP included. Thank you DAVID ICKE. We would not have been awakened without your work. BLESS YOU! Too bad the ZIONIST SATANISTS have banned you from CANADA! Disclose.tv David Icke: One Party System? Pt.1/2 Video Disclose.tv David Icke: One Party System? Pt.2/2 Video Why didn’t the collapse happen on 09 09 09? Lizards are trying to cover their tracks? Too many know about the NWO. Not many know about the Cannibalistic alien agenda. YES, the shapeshifting reptilians are HUMAN MEAT EATERS! The Aliens Are Coming! The Aliens Are Coming! educate-yourself.org www.frozenbeneath.ca this billboard is all over the Algoma Ontario AREA. Hope the ET’s are ready for all that ORGONE IN THE WATER NOW. I love our NEW BLUE SKIES. Your CHEMTRAIL program is a FAILURE in the SAULT..BIG BROTHER:)) Now perhaps we can get the fish back into our lakes again. Disclose.tv The Ultimate Deception – The Final Attack Video

Anything faster than the speed of light? (is it possible) (theory explained)

This video is to inform you more about the speed of light. If your a physist yourself you may find this boring because you already know this but people wondering about this and those who are in the process of learning about some of our biggest questions will find this interesting. This explains in my own beliefs why nothing can go the speed of light as we know of in this time period. However, maybe it can be proven wrong. Post comments on your opinion about this and for more videos about our universe and videos that will twist your mind please subscribe

China Fearful that Health Care Bill will Bankrupt the United States

Jesus is the Truth and the Word of God is True and the harsh reality will come. RFID chips – One world leader, all currently on the setup process right before our eyes. Many, many people are expoilting these events, trying to wake people up to TRUTH. This is what we have been called to do. The enslavement of mankind is in preparation. Who will escape these things? Read the Word. I have heard people say many, many times that One of these days, I’ll change my evil ways. Today is the day, the day of salvation. He is calling you to a personal relationship with Him ——x19———-Prophecy Prophetic Government Constitution Terrorism Bill of Rights Patriot Militia Fema Death Camps New World Order Police State Martial Law Resistance Militia Forces American Revolution, Revolution, Revolt, American Militia Movement, ARM, Alex Jones, New World Order, Illuminati, NWO, Skull and Bones, Bush, 911 Conspiracy, The Civilians Military, Militia, American Resistance Movement, Revolt, Bilderberg, CFR, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Loose Change, End Game, Terrorstorm, Patriot Act, HR 1955 ACORN Child Prostitution Obama Nuts DEFRAUD IRS Jesus Yeshua Yahshua Rapture Church Barrack Hillary Clinton Osama Bin Laden 666 REAL ID Beast FBI CFR NAU NWO Bill John McCain Gore Obama DEFRAUD IRS Jesus Yeshua Yahshua Rapture Church Barrack Osama Bin Laden 666 REAL ID Beast FBI CFR NAU NWO Bill Clinton Hillary Al Gore Joe Wilson Lie Lier Nancy Pelosi Senate Finance HR 3200 Palin book