CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST Stewart Best and Larry Taylor
Month: February 2013
P:3/9 Illuminati – Volume 1/3
This is a giant geopsychopolitical picture and things are happening with the use of subliminal indirect reverse psychological propaganda. It’s made to be confusing by the evilarchy that controls not only the United States but Britain. The documentary illustrates how this Illuminati, this group who calls themselves the enlightened ones, had gained positions of power through control of the banking system. Billions of people on planet earth are living in ignorance. Before your very eyes, politicians are advancing a global plan. Since the time of Napoleon, secret societies have been influencing politicians to take over and conquer Europe. Now, in the 21st century, their work of ages is coming to fruition. The New World Order is about the centralization of power. It’s about silencing any public criticism of the system. It’s about commercializing and selling everything as a product. It’s about letting China torture students and still allowing them to host the Olympics. It’s about closing down government owned schools and hospitals, turning them into apartments, and then letting private companies make profits from teaching your children or selling you drugs. The secret societies and political organizations running the New World Order use various symbols and numbers. Once you learn their secret language, you too will have the All Seeing Eye
The Gourds at The Kessler Theater in Dallas, Texas
Austin, Texas-based band The Gourds performing live at the historic Kessler Theater in X+ North Oak Cliff. (June 24, 2011)
White House Releases Photo of Obama Shooting Nerf Gun (Parody)
Botox News:The White House released this photo to muzzle critics who suggested Obama was posturing when he talked about target shooting in an interview with Botox News. The picture of Obama shows him with an assault weapon of the type that will get him high praise from the NRA. This is the same type of assault weapon that Justin Bieber used to permanently injure a young lady recently. The president risks a political backlash from his dis-tractors for this deliberate act of defiance. It appears that Obama has been Unchained and the D is not silent. (OMG WTF) Obama’s My Guy We The Faithful.
4/4 HAWK! NOV 18 2010
CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST If you can send financial support to Hawk, send to Hawk care of Steve Quayle- Safe Trek 315 Edelweiss Dr. Bozeman, MT 59718 1.406.586.484 Enerfood! Protect yourself with Mesosilver http CALL STEVE for immediate delivery of metals 406 586 4840