ELENIN/Nibiru – Dwarf Star Warning September 26th, 2011

Make viral: Everyone may upload this video to your own account, so long as you include these descriptions and a link back to this channel: www.youtube.com ======= The data says we are looking at an inbound dwarf star that has been causing earthquakes on our planet since 1965 and causing magnetic pole migration since about 2004. The evidence indicates that Earth will experience a pole shift event around 9/26 to 9/27, when the Sun, Earth and this ELE object are on the ecliptic/celestial planes that intersect at the autumn equinox. Everyone is warned to prepare for what is coming later this summer that will make Japan 3/11 look like a walk in the park. Links: planetxtownhall.com Wiki: en.wikipedia.org Seismicity Paper: lanl.arxiv.org Magnetic Portal Paper: science.nasa.gov Gravity Well pic: www.stonecirclealternatives.com ELE JPL: ssd.jpl.nasa.gov Planet X ELE Timeline: planetxtownhall.com Russian Warning Link: thewatchers.adorraeli.com Track ELE Post: planetxtownhall.com ELE 48/49/44 Leo Pic: i29.photobucket.com ELE JPL Coordinate Updates: ssd.jpl.nasa.gov


Death. www.lifenews.com Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — Strongly pro-abortion Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has accepted President Barack Obama’s request to serve as the Health Secretary. Sebelius has one of the most radical pro-abortion record of any elected official and a longstanding relationship with a late-term abortion practitioner. White House officials told the New York Times as late as February 18 that Sebelius had emerged as Obama’s leading choice for the position. Then, this week, they acknowledged that her pro-abortion record could cause problems for her nomination. Obama’s decision to allow word of his selection to lead ot the media first on a Saturday is designed to play down news coverage of his selection of a hardcore abortion advocate to lead his health care reform efforts and to implement his pro-abortion agenda. www.onenewsnow.com The Sebelius pick caps a week in which Obama underscored his resolve to pass a major health care overhaul this year. He issued a challenge to Congress in his speech Tuesday, and followed up Thursday with a budget that requested an eye-popping $634 billion over 10 years, which the administration called a “down payment” on coverage for all. This week, Obama will host lawmakers of both parties and representatives of major interest groups, from insurers to drug companies to consumers, at a White House summit on health care reform. Sebelius, 60, lacks the deep Washington connections of former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle