
A thought provoking documentary created by members of the Green Party, in support of Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, Rosa Clemente and Matt Gonzalez. What is the Green Party? Who are the members? What is Independent Political Action? How is it different from the Democratic and Republican Parties? What next? Vote Independent and Green in 2008! www.runcynthiarun.org www.votenader.com www.gp.org www.someofallparts.com

George Carlin – Pussification

George Carlin talks about the “pussification” of the American male. This bit shows how good Carlin was at “giving and taking” with his audience. When the audience starts to laugh at his use of the word “pussification,” Carlin laughs in turn and goes on to say, “Yeah? Alright.” From “You Are All Diseased” (1999). RIP George Carlin May 12, 1937 — June 22, 2008

NBA Mix – The Greatest – 2012 [HD]

THIS IS A GREAT MIX ABOUT LEBRON JAMES, KOBE BRYANT, AND KEVIN DURANT!! TURN UP ALL THE VOLUME UP!! also check out this guy he has lots of mixes and has been one of the guys that has really suppourted my channel πŸ™‚ , go and check his videos: www.youtube.com If you liked this video donΒ΄t forget to subscribe an share it πŸ˜€ My next video will be D-rose, D-wade, and Howard! Thanks for wantching! πŸ™‚ Tags: LeBron James,Derrick Rose,Tracy Mcgrady,Shaq, LeBron, Dwight Howard All-Star Dance-Off,Slam Dunk Contest,Top 10,NBA Draft 2009,Dwight Howard Superman dunk,AND1,Hot sauce,Lebron james,la lakers,Boston celtics nba champions,La Clippers,Denver Nuggets,Allen Iverson,Dallas Mavericks,East West All star game,nba record,nba street vol 1,2,homecourt,I Challenge Baron Davis,greatest in nba history,shot,block,steal,Michael Jordan’s Final Shot 98,Baron Davis, Dwyane Wade, Lebron James, Tracy McGrady, Stephon Marubury, Yao Ming, Gilbert Arenas, Kobe Bryant, Speedy Claxton, Paul Pierce, Nate Robinson, Allen Iverson, and Ben Gordan,Soulja Boy And Lebron James Interview ,Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Car(Aston Martin) Slow Motion,Kobe Bryant Car Jump Exposed,fl, ncaa, baseball, soccer, futbol, football, Nba, basketball, mlb, hockey, nhl, paris fifa, poker, golf, world cup,Guinness World Record,Spud Webb Dunk Contest,the best of derrick rose,Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Pool w/ Snakes (Black Mambas?,LeBron talks with Jay-Z during game nba 10 top plays 07 08 top dunks season finals mvp all star game