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Day: March 2, 2013
George Carlin Talks Politics (Originally Posted By ratmaster616)
Remember Comet Elenin? Did Jordan Maxwell Predict It’s Fate???
In August 2011 Videos Surfaced of NASAs SOHO that showed some sort of blast coming from Jupiter, knocking Elenin off course. Listen to the interview I found that Jordan Maxwell did in April 2011, just 4 months Prior.
Primary Perception, Plants wired to polygraph machine, Consciousness of the talking Plants Video created by John Carnagey In 1966 Cleve Backster conducted his now famous experiment in which he attached a polygraph machine to a plant and was amazed to see that it was alive and was reading out in much the same way a human polygraph readout would display. Backster went on to experiment with biocommunication in plant and animal cells, which led to his theory of “primary perception.” These amazing plants have the ability to sense the thoughts and moods of humans, they display signs of ‘stress’ when other plants or animals are harmed. They remember those who have harmed other plants and begin to become ‘stressed’ by there presence. These plants are alive in ways that modern science is only beginning to understand. Yet many of the worlds ancient masters of many creeds spoke frequently and emphasized the interconnected oneness of all life. That everything is connected to an underlying common mind or source. The one source… “The ALL.” (God)
All Animals July/August is Here!
The award-winning magazine from the HSUS, All Animals, covers all the animal issues you care about, plus tips on pets, wildlife, and other need-to-know topics. Subscribe today by becoming a member of the HSUS!