A Chat with John Lear. Enjoy.
Day: March 18, 2013
Pt.11 G2G with Art Bell 1997
Thank you, Art Bell, for these wonderful shows! What an remarkable legacy and gift to us all!! This show originally aired in 1997. More ghost stories from Co…
Texe Marrs on the Alex Jones Show:”Mysterious Monuments” pt1
http://www.texemarrs.com/ http://www.infowars.com/ Alex welcomes author and researcher Texe Marrs to talk about his new book, Mysterious Monuments: Encyclope…
Converging Flashpoints Hagmann and Hagmann w/ Steve Quayle
March 12th, 2013 www.homelandsecurityus.com www.stevequayle.com The signs are all present. Drones flying over U.S. cities and towns, enemy kill lists sanctio…
George Carlin – Religijne zwyczaje (PL)
Amerykański komik George Carlin ośmiesza zwyczaje związane z religią (2008 rok). —–