Full interview: http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/10/RIR-111023.php The Sync Book: http://www.thesyncbook.com/ 26 bloggers/writers/artists share thei…
Day: April 10, 2013
RIR-Chris Knowles-Secret History of Rock’n Roll 1/5
Chris Knowles returns to talk about his new book “The Secret History of Rock ‘n’ Roll -The Mysterious Roots of Modern Music” that is connecting the modern Ro…
Mayakalender und Evolution Teil 1 – Ian Xel Lungold
Ian Xel Lungold zeigt die Parallelen zwischen der Struktur des Mayakalenders und der Evolution des Bewusstseins. Er erklärt, warum der Mayakalender ein “Fahr…
The United States Of Insanity – Jim Marrs w- Jeff Rense
Recorded: June 28th 2012.
Texe Marrs – Vatican Rising
The Papacy has finally triumphed over Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation! Rome has successfully brought back under its authority virtually the enti…