Obama uses stars’ powers for final campaign push President Barack Obama is bringing aboard a slew of high profile celebrities like Eva Longoria and Katy Perr…
Day: May 24, 2013
ET contactee Nancy Lieder returned to present information on Planet X and the ‘Zetas.’ The Zetas (alien beings from the Zeta Reticuli star system she claims …
Bonemachine – Dying of the Pines
Bonemachine treed op in de Velvet! 07-11-10 Marc en Geert (ditmaal als drummer!) spelen met Udo Holtappels, Maarten vd Zanden (Met Roosen, Jerry &the Goldfis…
More Essential Freeman 1/7
Forgiveness Syncromysticism Share Aloha Energy exchange : Masonic America revealed more again.. Freeman on Truth Frequency show American freedom radio Polygr…
All Power Training is Mind, Body and Spirit
http://wwwallpowertraining.com All Power Training is mind, body and spirit, caring for your whole person not just your muscles.