—SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY Dr. Jeffrey Long: Evidence of the Afterlife – P2/3. Episode: 1411, Air Date: 26 July 2010.
Day: June 24, 2013
Jimbo Mathus – White Buffalo Jam – Five Songs – Continental Club – Austin Texas – 012012
Jimbo Mathus and his band plays an extended five song jam which ends with a song about the death of the White Buffalo. Showcased live at the Continental Club…
No Labels?
“biologically male”, “feels that they are a woman” Sorry about my rhetoric here. I didn’t mean to communicate that its trying to be something else and inval…
Battleground DIRECT TV DROPS 26 Viacom owned CHANNELS – CALL NOW 800-531-5000 (DTV vs Viacom)
CALL NOW 800-531-5000 wiki: Viacom claims that DirecTV dropped 26 Viacom channels. DirecTV claims that Viacom wants 30% ($1 billion) more than what their cus…
Comet ISON in 2013
Maverick physicist James McCanney spoke about the coming of Comet ISON in 2013, which is predicted to be 15 times brighter than the full moon by November, an…