Alex Jones spoke about the Edward Snowden case, the death of journalist Michael Hastings, the recent Bilderberg meeting, and related topics. http://www.coast…
Day: June 26, 2013
11 June Vinny Eastwood on Region 10 Report Susanne Posel Cathy Rubio William Greathaouse 2013
Catch a case -Beyonce RARE SONG! -BEST FAN VID
CAtch a case -beyonce –watch full vid [features some of her best pix nd hottest vids nd 2 songs in 1 hawt vid] if u luv bee this is a vid u need 2 c tell ur…
Mad Matt – Never Say Die 98.02
Is there a Burried City on Mars
Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission commented on the ‘computer glitch’ that has halted the mission of NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity. He suggested the timing of the rover’s memory error…