Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) — David Gaud, a Hong Kong-based senior portfolio manager of Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management, talks about Asian stocks and investme…
Day: July 4, 2013
Jeroen Timmers @ Veerstichting | Lost In Excess | Consciousness & Societal Tranformation
Recently, I spoke at the Veerstichting conference in the Netherlands and stirred up some tension amongst the public. Lost in Excess? Hmm. Let’s go back to th…
David Hatcher Childress on Mysterious Ancient Places and Creatures
Author, researcher, and archaeologist David Hatcher Childress spoke about a variety of mysterious and sometimes ancient places and creatures. There is eviden…
Baltic Sea UFO Hunters? Expedition # 4 – MAJOR NEWS coming soon !
The fourth expedition to the strange anomaly occurred in May. The Ocean Explorer team is investigating the strange object on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Ma…
5cuts “All it needs is courage, imagination, and a little dough.”
『5cuts』はTwitterやUST・ニコ生を通じ、皆で5カットの映画を創る企画です。 #014 “All it needs is courage, imagination, and a little dough.” 『勇気,想像力,そして少しの食物.』 企画日: 2011年0…