Day: July 4, 2013
Thievery Corporation All That We Perceive (live on KCRW 11.22.2002)
Thievery Corporation appeared for an interview and live performance on KCRW’s Morning Becomes Eclectic with DJ Nic Harcourt. Enjoy this beautiful live versio…
The Great Seal & Satan That Old Serpent
I give thanks to God who has blessed me to expose stuff like this. This is incriminating evidence that the all seeing eye is indeed the eye of satan. The 3 l…
Pass It Around (Full Length)
Get the DVD: Pass It Around is a compilation of videos put together to tell a story. A story about o…
Thank you Mr. president for fighting for us
I wrote this poem because I think that President Obama is an extraordinary man, that will bring America together , Republican’s and Democrats, and America wi…