Die Fortsetzung des Bestsellers: Stephen Hawking erklärt die Geheimnisse des Universums Seit seinem ersten Abenteuer mit dem Wissenschaftler Eric und dessen …
Day: July 4, 2013
Jewish Professor Admits All Prophets Were Muslim YouTube
Billy Corgan, Alex Jones, NWO, Hollyjewd Mind control, Jesus the Jew, Brian Leonard Golightly
Everything on this planet is run by the mind control of HollyJewd. FACT. Corporations and Religious Scams run by Jews….but wait a minute JESUS was a JEW……
Quadricopter – AIOP V2 loiter
Quadricopter équipé de la Crius All in one pro V2, en stationnaire (GPS + baromètre)
Comet pan-STARRS Now Visible After Sunset | NASA Space Science HD Video
Visit my website at http://www.junglejoel.com – comet panSTARRS has moved into the night sky and should be visible through March, 2013. Please rate and comme…