Current TV. Aired January 14, 2013.
Day: July 8, 2013
David Cameron – Were all in this together? CWU WITNEY PROTEST
Join to save youth centres across the u.k. we are eynsham youth centre all young people join this group please Help us save all youth centres we want a milli…
men of vision 4
thanks to all who joind us on that day.
GALE CRATER CITY RUINS Part II – Pyramid shaped object.
Curiosity Shows Pyramid-shaped Object & Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s HiRise camera provided the basis for the 3D flight simulation over a part of Gale Crate…
What is Ormus, White Powder Gold or Monatomic Elements 1of13 Nano Palladium Platinum Silver
What is Ormus, White Powder Gold or Monatomic Elements Nano Palladium Platinum Silver Philosopher’s Stone, or Elixir of Life. Moses commanded Bezaleel the “G…