George Carlin in an episode of Mad TV. Episode originally aired during the fifth season on 2/26/2000.
Day: September 4, 2013
Solar Flare Produces Coronal Rain 2012-07-19 NASA Goddard Solar Dynamics Observatory 4min JQMUSIC
more at “Eruptive events on the sun can be wildly different. Some come just with a solar flare, some with an additional ejectio…
Forex Secret Protocol Review What Do You Get With Tochkov Raychev’s New Forex Trading Course
Forex Secret Protocol Review What do you get with the Forex Secret Protocol course by Tashko Reychev? Find out all th…
Coast to coast am is the largest conspiracy radio show in the world. You can Discuss This coast to coast am show here. To watch the latest broadcast enter co…
Der Weltraum geht an die Substanz
Bericht (nano) 12.04.2011 Der Weltraum geht an die Substanz Eine der schwersten Folgen bei Langzeitflügen ist der ständige Verlust von Knochensubstanz im All…