winner of next top sausage competition gets a surprise.
Day: September 7, 2013
[MSL] Curiosity Drop Test on Bridle Tether
From Pre-Launch Testing: The Rover Curiosity is dropped on it’s bridle tether, the final stage of the Entry, Descent and Landing system in a test performed a…
Apply It While You’re In It
Pastor Olivia Johnson (Generational Blessings) encourages us to apply the teachings of the Lord to our lives, especially while you are in the middle of a bat…
Curiosity Rover Report (Oct. 26, 2012): Working with Curiosity’s ChemCam Laser [HD]
Curiosity uses its ChemCam laser to explore a tiny cluster of rocks nicknamed ‘Stonehenge.’ Release Date: 26 October 2012 Credit: NASA JPL Jet Propulsion Lab…
Release of Hiding So Long on radio
I heard Hiding So Long on the radio for the first time today! Somewhat challenging given that it was airing in New Zealand, and Im currently in New Yorkbut y…