Leschs Kosmos ~ Denken mit Antimaterie ~ Dokumentation.
Day: October 29, 2013
Giants humans skeletons found all over the world!!(annunaki)
history is not what the schools tell you,… schools where made by goverments, to make the perfect working horse,… to keep people in line,… SEARCH YOUTUB…
LaRue Brown- Want It All ft YOU
Contest I’m having for the first Artist who can come up with a creative and unique first verse and hook to this track created by LaRue Brown! Contest ends Fe…
What Would You Do If: Aliens Invaded the Earth? | Shout Out to LifeMonkeyz
What would you do if aliens invaded our planet. What would they do and why would they come. LifeMonkeyz’s channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/LifeMonkeyz.
Girl Discovers that ALL of the U.S Presidents are Related to One English King
All credit for the video go to its producers.