This animation shows the approximate true position of NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars. A 3-D virtual model of Curiosity is shown inside Gale Crater, near Moun…
Day: October 29, 2013
SARXKYN highest form of consciousness.
The Cure For All Mental Illness by Jack William Atkins and SARXKYN
Exposure AKA A Grande Arte 1991 Mother of all knife combat films
Exposure AKA A Grande Arte 1991 Mother of all knife combat films.
Mind Reading 101
Long title ftw. Feeling nostalgic for last semester, thinking about psychology class, talking to youtube about it. Sorry if I mumbled a bit. I’mma kinda tire…
1/2 Unlocking and Preserving the Hidden? Lost? Dead Sea Scrolls!
Dead Sea Scrolls Foundation in Jerusalem which takes care of the preservation, exhibition and publishing of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Also called the Qumran Scro…