Here’s a tutorial for my 6-pointed star! This is a design I came up with yesterday and it’s very straight-forward to fold. Except for the H-Twist. But it’s d…
Day: May 7, 2014
Tv Man and Police
i was just about to take a shower then we got a knock on the door, it was the police…. this is what happened.
Runescape – outfits 2011 , Full Dagon’Hai , full Ancient ceremonial! and ancient cerimonial Emote!
My first Runescape video about my outfits and soon with a 99 fletching cape! The Dagon’hai was a Full Dagon ‘hai with a mud staff a damaged zamorak god book,…
George Carlin – The big club
Richard Hoagland, Alfred Webre, Jay Blevins, Michael Wood & James O’Malley LIVE Maya 2012
Is the world going to end? Are we about to experience a massive, cataclysmic change? Our first ever Hangout, broadcast live on YouTube with Richard Hoagland,…