Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer & Anthony Mackie Interviews on “Black Or White” #LoveHasNoColor- It´s All About Family & it´s all about Eloise Kevin Costner &…
Day: March 15, 2015
The Guy From Pittsburgh ( tm ) Asks Why All These Quakes ? !!!
I ask why are we getting swarms of quakes locally and all over the country including Pahrump. Even in Central America, Mayan Cat is getting freaked out becau…
October “Fear For All” Alan Wake Part 3
One of my favorite games of the last generation. Join JIRWINKO on his journey through Bright Falls as he takes on the role of Alan Wake, a man so desperately…
What is Compassion
Thoughts about compassion accompanied with quotations from Chögyam Trungpa, Karen Armstrong, Christina Feldman, Pema Chödrön, Albert Schweitzer, Rachel Joy S…