Wildlands students, built and deployed a payload into low orbit (approximately 100000 feet into the atmosphere. The Weather Balloon was equipped with computers, sensors, cameras, and video….
Day: April 6, 2015
Is World Peace Possible? Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith with Dr. Marissa
Past Oprah and Larry King Live guest, teacher from ‘The Secret’ Founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, Global Peace Award Winner and Peace Avatar Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith…
Martin Sexton – Glory Bound
Martin Sexton at Knox United in Calgary, February 5, 2011. Lyrics below. Freedom came my way that night just like a jet plane IN and out of sight I was hauling ass at a million miles an hour…
All Religions Worship Saturn
For those in the know Saturn Runs Every Religion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84zTtpGAMok #ALLRELIGIONSWORSHIPSATURN/Occultscience101 To find out how Saturn means Satan,…
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