Day: April 10, 2015
Must Watch* Why Do We Get Bored by Vsauce
Thank You to Vsauce FOLLOW HIM! SHARE THESE VIDEOS AND HELP OTHERS THATS WHY WE ARE HERE Follow Michael Stevens for daily sauce: LINKS TO …
2014 October Name Above All Names – Acts 4:12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men/women by which we …
Meryl Streep Honored By President Obama
TAG : Abc News, All News, amazing, Barack Obama, Bbc, Breaking news, Cnn, Congress, Daily News, Democratic Party, diplomacy, Earth, Economy, Finances, fox news,…
Ebonics Translator 2.0
According to Urban Dictionary, the definition of Ebonics is a “characteristic of the speech of uneducated, ghetto-fab teens who can’t be arsed up to speak in intelligible English.” It is intense…