Dear friends and enemies, The Face on Mars laid bare in this mind twisting re-rendered 3-D hyper resolution flight simulation by Freyk John Geeris, closer than ever before to the ancient ruins…
Day: April 15, 2015
Consciousness; Why? What is it for?
Deep question….and I have no answer. But I still try….. :D.
Nels Andrews – Butterfly Wing
Nels Andrews performs Butterfly Wing at the Wyldwood House Concert Series, 2010. Somehow Nels convinced a Mockingbird to join him in the song. Listen for the bird. It’s a dang wild bird that…
Bob and Tom Fun House 09 Heywood Banks You Can Be Mean To Me
Enjoy this hilarious track from the comedy hit album ‘Fun House’ from Bob & Tom! More tracks to follow, be sure to check out my Bob & Tom playlists for complete albums and other comedy specials!…
Tre G. “She Dances (Death)” – ALL DEF POETRY
Subscribe for more poetry! Today’s featured poem is “She Dances (Death) ” by Tre G. All Def Poetry is a new channel brought to you by Russell Simmons – a world-renowned…