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Day: May 6, 2015
The Secret Teachings 5 2 15 BELtimore Riots & Tricksters
Listen LIVE 24/7/365 bit.ly/1y2LeN0 OR bit.ly/1I7EJZH Please do your best to share our content, flood our content where ever and how ever you can. Please Donate on the website listed below…
Ann Coulter ‘Obama Is Treating Netanyahu Like He’s a Republican’
TAG : Abc News, All News, amazing, Barack Obama, Bbc, Breaking news, Cnn, Congress, Daily News, Democratic Party, diplomacy, Earth, Economy, Finances, fox news,…
Huge Comet Will Barely Miss Mars!
Nov. 7, 9 a.m. PST (noon EST, 1700 GMT) NASA hosted a media teleconference to discuss science findings of the Oct. 19 flyby of Mars by comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring. NASA’s Mars Atmosphere….