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Why Does The Universe Exist?

You can’t help but notice lately that the universe actually does….
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Pretty neat right? But why? Why does anything exist?
The Big Bang is the most commonly accepted explanation as to how our universe sprang into existence, but what triggered this spectacular event?Another field which attempts to explain why the universe exists is general relativity, although she and quantum mechanics rarely make for cosy bedfellows. Our universe’s space-time is theorised to exist in one of three different forms; flat as a pancake, curved outwards like this banana, or it curves inwards like this other banana.When we think about a time before our universe existed we tend to imagine endless space, with reality just waiting for our universe to fill it like an under-stuffed burrito.

Gerald Clark Nibiru the Invader Planet [VIDEO]

In this interview, Planet X researcher Gerald R. Clark talks about the arrival of Planet X and the Annunaki. Using the orbit illustration Harrington shared with Sitchin, Gerald R. Clark, author of The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising, has calculated the arrival of the Planet X system within a range of 12 months.